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Grow . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

Grow in grace today,
plant faith in your heart
let it root itself in love
and more graces it will start.

Grow in wisdom today,
let it dig its way into you
let it branch out in everything
that you say and do.

Grow in humility today,
look for it to rise and shine
let your self-righteousness
be on the fall and decline.

Grow in charity today,
reach out to those in need
let your generosity come alive
and to His mercy you will heed.

Grow in knowledge today,
harvest from the Word
reap from the truth you find
then share all you've heard.

Grow in the Lord today,
seek after the one True Vine
take a sip from His cup
and taste the life-giving wine.

2 Peter 3:18

"Grow in grace, and in the knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

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