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The Thrill of Trusting

by Deborah Ann Belka

Oh, the thrill of trusting God,
to meet our every need
and to fear - no longer follow
wherever it may lead.

Oh, how great is the faith,
of the one who doesn't doubt
and relies solely on the promise
God will figure all things out.

Oh, how great is His delight,
when we give to Him our strife
and offer to the Master's hand
complete control of our life.

Oh, how wonderful is the way,
which is paved in full belief
that Jesus is our soul provider
and to our troubles brings relief.

Oh, the thrill of trusting God,
in everything by prayer
to give to Him our every need
and to cast on Him - all our care!

1 Peter 5:6-7

"Therefore humble yourselves under the
mighty hand of God, that He may exalt
you in due time, casting all your care
upon Him, for He cares for you."

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