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Just Sit!

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, some days, I'm just too busy,
with everything that I must do
and I don't have much time
to spend alone with you.

I've got a list of to-do's,
that is at least a mile long
I work my finger to the bones
so my time with You I prolong.

Lord, I get so distracted,
with all the noises in my head
voices telling me before You
they must always, be put ahead.

They yell and scream at me,
they order me what to do
leaving me no quiet time . . .
to spend with only You.

Lord, I'm so exhausted,
at the end of my busy day
I find it hard to concentrate
when I go to bed and pray.

My mind really isn't in it,
I know that this is wrong
but, I'm still working on that list
and now its a million miles long.

Lord, teach me what's important,
and what I need to omit . . .
for I just want to be with You
and would be delighted to just sit!

Luke 10:40-42
King James Version

And Jesus answered and said unto her,
Martha, Martha, thou art careful and
troubled about many things: But one
thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen
that good part, which shall not be taken
away from her."

This poem was a finalist in the May 2013 poetry contest

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