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The WInter Soul

by Deborah Ann Belka

The winter of the soul . . .
is a cold and lonely season
when it doesn't understand
the intention or the reason.

The bitter winds that come,
chills it to the marrow
and with each gust that blows
it feels like a poison arrow.

The freezing rain and sleet,
seizes up its every tear
and they become like icicles
encased with all its fear.

The winter soul can't take,
the ills, the weight, the loss
unless the soul is willing
to keep clinging to the cross.

For it is in this icy season,
the soul can find His warmth
and nestle in the comfort
of what God will bring forth.

So, if the battered soul,
is to survive this frosty time
it must be willing to soar
and over each blizzard climb.

Winter in the soul . . .
is a cold and lonely season
but it can find great peace
knowing God has His reason.

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