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The Mission

by Gertrude Jefferies

My nostrils were assaulted
By the stench of smelly feet,
Unwashed bodies, and bad breath,
Of the people I was to meet.

I stumbled over to a desk,
Fell heavily into a chair,
Held my head between my hands, said
"Lord, what am I doing here?"

"You're here because I sent you,
These people have great need.
You're here because they need you,
For much more than just mouths to feed.

No one has ever bothered to feel,
The pain they are going through,
And when you prayed, "here I am, send me,"
I took you at your word, and sent you."

In repentance I slowly lifted my head,
and as I looked around,
I saw them through the eyes of Christ,
As jewels lying there on the ground.

I stared, and as I stared I saw them
As gems, cast aside by the world;
Of untold value, unlimited worth,
And talents that were never revealed.

I cried, "dear Jesus, forgive me,
Help me always to see through Your eyes;
The worth of a soul whose rejected,
Passed over by the world's 'so called wise.'

There's a harvest of souls out there waiting,
For someone to care, and to come
As the searchlight of God shines upon you,
Can you, dare you say, "I am one"?

This poem won first place for the November 2011 poetry contest

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