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When Other's Won't Forgive

by Deborah Ann Belka

When other's won't forgive,
when they hold the past over you
when they say it's all your fault
and you're the blame for what they do.

When forgiveness isn't in their heart,
when they've turned away from you
when they won't let you forget your sins
and your guilt, they hotly pursue.

When saying you're sorry isn't enough,
when they've sentenced you to a living hell
when they continue to put you down
and instead of talking, they scream and yell.

That's when you need to turn to Jesus,
and cling to the promise of the Cross
for Jesus understands your imperfection
and will not consider you like you're dross.

There you will find your forgiveness,
not the memories of the sins of your past
there you'll find tenderhearted compassion
that to eternity . . . will last.

Ephesians 4:32

"And be kind to one another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
even as God in Christ forgave you."

This poem was a finalist in the December 2011 poetry contest

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