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Seek, Seek, Seek

by Deborah Ann Belka

Seek first the Kingdom of God,
keep your eyes on the things above
seek God with all your soul
and be filled with His mercy and love.

Seek the Lord with your whole heart,
let your requests be made known
seek after His holy righteousness
and your prayers will reach His throne.

Seek the Lord and do good,
diligently search out His living Word
wait for Him at wisdom's gate
and He'll shepherd you into His herd.

Seek the Lord and obey Him,
pursue peace in fairness and truth
seek the same God you have known
from the days of your youth.

Seek to be justified by Christ,
track down His name and His face
seek after His salvation
and you will find His amazing grace.

Seek God for all your strength,
and you will no longer be weak
but first you must remember
to seek . . . seek . . . seek!

Matthew 7:7

"Seek, and ye shall find;"

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