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The Son who Came

by Albert Watson

God of grace and God of love
Sent the Saviour from above
Born like one of us tis said
Except perhaps for stable bed.
He came to do the Fathers will,
Fulfil the law heal those who where ill.
Sight to the blind, life to the dead.
Voice to he mute lame leap off bed
Demoniacs of the most violent kind
Released, clothed and in their right mind.
Spoke words to the Jewish authority
Condemned all their hypocrisy.
you are graves of whited stones
Nice to view but full of bones.
Jerusalem I would cover thee
As a hen cocoons her family
Since you have chosen to ignore
Judgements knocking at your door
Offended they cried crucify
It's best they said that one should die.
How prophetic can the wicked be?
He took their sin and iniquity.
Smitten on a cross of wood,
Knowing not the Father would
Turn His back; be deaf to plea
My God, why have you forsaken me?
Satan rejoiced He breathed His last
As darkness over that scene was cast
But hallelujah praise His name
Friday was black but Sunday came.
He broke the bands of death and Hell
And we His children know quite well
He's preparing rooms beyond the sky
In which we'll live and never die.

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