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Ready for Spring

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, I am ready,
for Springtime to begin
for new growth . . .
to produce from within.

I'm ready for winters,
dead wood to be pruned
I'm ready to be trimmed
so we are more in tuned.

I'm ready for the sun,
to melt the winter snow
I'm ready for Your grace
to multiply and grow.

I'm ready for the warmth,
to penetrate the cold
I'm ready to be for You
someone fresh and bold.

I'm ready for the chance,
to blossom and flourish
I'm ready for Spring . . .
to renew and nourish!

John 15:2

“Every branch in me that beareth not fruit
he taketh away: and every branch that
beareth fruit, he purgeth it,
that it may bring forth more fruit.”

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