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The True Gift

by Deborah Ann Belka

The birth of baby Jesus,
our Lord and precious Savior
holds a special place in those
who know how to savor.

For we embrace the light,
that He brought on His birthday
we know Christ is the truth
and to God . . . the only way.

We relish in the eternal joy,
of what His life means to all of us
and we find our greatest pleasure
is when in Him, we place our trust.

We understand the fragrance,
and the aroma of His awesome grace
we can hardly wait until the time
when we'll meet Him face to face.

For our Prince of Peace,
came to save us all from our sin
and through His almighty power
His Spirit now lives within.

And each of us who so treasures,
the offer of His eternal love
keeps their hearts and their minds
on the gifts that are from above.

So, if you want to share with us,
the True Gift of the season
then receive His life as your own
and let Jesus be ~ your soul reason.

Matthew 1:18

"Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on
this wise: When as his mother Mary was
espoused to Joseph, before they came
together, she was found with child of
the Holy Ghost."

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