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My Gift Of Trust

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, I don't have gold or frankincense,
and it seems, I am all out of myrrh
but I have a gift just as wonderful
and I know You'll agree and concur.

For what I have to offer You,
is more precious to You then these
so, I come to You with my treasure
and offer it to You on bended knees.

Lord, I am giving You my entire life,
and all my worldly possessions
I am going to make You the Lord
over all of my material obsessions.

I am giving You my eternal hope,
with joyfulness and thankful praise
I am giving You my soul's devotion
for the rest of my living days.

Lord, I am giving You the gift of trust,
no matter what may come my way
and I'm going to worship and adore You
as if each moment ~ was Christmas Day!

Matthew 2:11

"And when they were come into the house,
they saw the young child with Mary his
mother, and fell down, and worshipped
him: and when they had opened their
treasures, they presented unto him
gifts; gold, and frankincense and

This poem was a finalist in the December 2011 poetry contest

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