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My Life Was Made To Please You

by Deborah Ann Belka

My life was made to praise You,
to lift You up in song
my soul was made to worship You,
to glorify You all day long.

My mind was made to seek You,
to claim Your perfect peace
my heart was made to find You
to know a love that'll never cease.

My ears were made to hear You,
to listen for Your quiet voice
my eyes were made to see You
to be a witness to Your rejoice.

My feet were made to follow You,
to walk in Your very steps
my legs were made to go after You,
to follow in Your concepts.

My mouth was made to declare You,
to tell the universe about Your love
my lips were made to confess You,
to let all know You are my God above.

My life was made to please You,
to lift You up in song
my soul was made so You'd be seen
amongst the world's throng.

1 Thessalonians 4

"Furthermore then we beseech you,
brethren, and exhort you by the Lord
Jesus, that as ye have received of us
how ye ought to walk and to please God,
so ye would abound more and more."

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