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My New Year Prayer

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, when I take a look around,
it doesn't take much for me to see
a world of hurting people
caught up in the storms out at sea.

The waves of economic oppression,
the hide tides of emotional depression
have taken their cruel toll on each life
and some are drowning in their strife.

The future looks so uncertain,
as if, someone's pulled the final curtain
lost jobs, lost homes, lost hope
some are even throwing in the rope.

The surge that is upon the earth,
has taken away their health and worth
now some are left with having nothing
and the weight on them is crushing.

Lord, the world is indeed a mess,
but, You are a God who loves to bless
and for those who still trust in You
You've promised to see them through.

And so it is my New Year prayer,
that all the faithful who remain out there
will keep clinging unto the Rock
until You bring them safely to the dock!

Mark 4:41

"And they feared exceedingly, and said
one to another, What manner of man is
this, that even the wind and the sea
obey him?"

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