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I'm Eighty Four you Know

by Albert Watson

'Hey! Anna, your sixty now!' they said,
'lay down your tools, extra hours in bed.
"Put up your feet and have some tea,
enjoy a great long holiday.'
They didn't understand you see,
God may not halt our ministry.
My prophetic gift, He did not withdraw,
and do you know I'm eighty four?

My widow friends, a word for you,
I really know what you've been through.
No man to feed an empty bed
and all the tears that you have shed.
But don't despair there's things to do,
my God has not forgotten you.
With eagle's wings you too can soar,
come fly with me, I'm eighty four!

To prove the point, I'll have you see,
just what the Lord has done for me.
A special gift my God declares,
as I resort to prolong prayers.
Through temple gate a family came,
I felt compelled to inquire their name.
A word then came to my innermost core,
yes, to an old lady, I'm eighty four!

Oh praise God, what did I see,
the one from all eternity.
Within his mother's arms he lay,
the Christ child of eternal day.
Salvation to the world He brings,
This lord of lords and king of kings.
So praise the Lord and pray some more,
till you my friend are eighty four

( Luke ch 2 vs. 36--38 )

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