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by Gertrude Jefferies

It doesn't have to have flags waving
Or sirens screaming to sound the alarm.
It doesn't have to be dark and sinister
For some people to be caught and harmed.

It can come wrapped in bright gay colors
Or a voice that is so soft and kind.
Could be a touch on someone's shoulder,
Or a thought planted in someone's mind.

Temptation will come to all of us,
No matter what your station in life,
It can sneak up behind and grab you,
Try to hold you secure in it's vise.

That's why the Word of God warns us,
To be alert and ever on our guard,
For the enemy is always watching
To defeat us, or make us fall hard.

What we read, or watch, or listen to
What we say, and some places we go,
Can be traps if we are not careful,
The Holy Spirit wants us to know.

So be warned my brother, my sister,
The roaring lion is always around,
But the Holy Spirit gives power,
To help us all firmly stand our ground.

But if he should happen to trip you,
And bring shame that blots out the sun,
Run quickly to the Father with his Word,
Read verse nine, of 1st. John, chapter one.

This poem won first place for the June 2008 poetry contest

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