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My Resolution . . . Solution

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, I going to navigate,
through another year
and I am going to need You
to stay close to me and near.

I am going to chart,
a new course for every day
and I am going to need You
to shed light on my way.

I am going to steer,
the obstacles that I am able
and I am going to need You
to keep my faith stable.

I am going to weather,
the storms that are out at sea
and I am going to need You
to keep Your eyes on me.

Lord, I am going to make,
a new year's resolution
and I am going to count on You
every day for my solution!

Isaiah 58:8

"Then your light shall break forth like
the morning, Your healing shall spring
forth speedily, And your righteousness
shall go before you; The glory of the
Lord shall be your rear guard."

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