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Songs In The Night

by Gertrude Jefferies

It's easy to sing and to praise the Lord,
When the sun is shining bright.
When there's someone to care, and walk with you
And you have a song in the night.

When your health is good, and the bills all paid,
When your friends all gather round,
And your life just seems to be one big thrill
Nothing seems to get you down.

But when disaster seems to follow you,
And your sky is gray, not blue,
When the world has taken your will to live,
Tell me, then, what do you do?

Do you stand by faith on the word of God,
Do you trust him, as did Job?
Do you call on him with your heart and soul,
Know it will all work for good?

It's when the trials and testings come your way,
When you just don't understand,
When the enemy says, God doesn't care,
Then trust his heart and his hand.

He will walk with you through your darkest hour,
He will be the strength you need,
He will be your song in the black midnight,
Though through brambles he may lead.

And if he knows the way will be too long,
And you get tired on the way,
He may take your hand and lead you on home,
To live in his eternal day.

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