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Come Unto Me

by Deborah Ann Belka

Come unto Me, My child . . .
such sweet music to my ears
Come unto Me, Jesus calls . . .
O' how these words, I love to hear.

Come unto Me, My daughter . . .
such tenderness, Jesus has for me
Come unto Me, His words are like . . .
sweet nectar to a honeybee.

Come unto Me, My beloved . . .
such comfort in three little words
Come unto Me, Jesus whispers . . .
O' the sweetest phrase, I've ever heard.

Come unto Me, My little one . . .
such compassion, hope and love
Come unto Me, Jesus tells me . . .
sweet syllables falling from above.

Come unto Me, My child,
and I will give you rest . . .
Come unto Me, Jesus calls
O' how my soul, these words bless!

Matthew 11:28

“Come unto me,
all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.“

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