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I Lift Up My Heart

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, I lift up to You,
my heart and soul
I release unto You
complete control.

Come into my life,
seek and explore
search down deep
like never before.

Show unto me,
sin still un-confessed
then in Your mercy
let me, be blessed.

Pardon the errors,
of my rebellious ways
continue working in me
the rest of my days.

Lord, I lift my heart up,
my hands I raise . . .
to You my soul gives
all glory and praise!

Lamentations 3:40-42

“Let us search and try our ways,
and turn again to the Lord.

Let us lift up our heart with our hands
unto God in the heavens.

We have transgressed and have rebelled:
thou hast not pardoned.”

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