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The Living Fountain

by Deborah Ann Belka

When my soul is parched,
from all the weariness . . .
when my heart cries out
enough ~ to the dreariness.

I go to the Living Fountain,
sip from the Word of hope
praying all the while . . .
Lord, give me strength to cope.

The Word's spoken by Jesus,
are the streams of eternal life
as they ebb and flow within
they decrease my inner strife.

Anything from my Savior,
is all I need to satisfy . . .
the thirst of this drained soul
just one Word ~ will gratify.

When my soul is parched,
from all the dreariness . . .
I read my Bible, so Jesus
can quench the weariness!

John 4:14

“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I
shall give him shall never thirst;but the
water that I shall give him shall be in him a
well of water springing up into everlasting

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