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The Macedonian Call

by Albert Watson

We settled at Troas, but during the night
Paul had a vision, we thought it quite right,
to go with our brother by land and by sea
to answer the call, this Macedonian plea.

'Come over and help us,' Paul said was the cry.
Our first divine appointment was in Philippi,
on the edge of the city, a meeting for prayer
each Sabbath, 'twas said, certain women repair.

We sat with these ladies, our Gospel did share,
this seller of purple named Lydia was there.
God opened her heart as she listened to Paul
back at her household she told one and all.

Each was baptised in the name of the Lord,
'Do stay at my house,' sister Lydia implored.
An interesting outcome, man calls to this place,
a woman the first convert, her home is our base.

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