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Where's There Forgiveness

by Deborah Ann Belka

Where there is forgiveness,
there is relief
where there is forgiveness
there is belief

For, when you forgive someone,
God will set your heart free
and from the pain and hurt
He will heal your memory.

Where there is forgiveness
there is love
where there is forgiveness
there is a God above

For, when you forgive another,
God's love, you will release
and the anguish that you feel
will turn to everlasting peace.

Where there is forgiveness,
there is light
where there is forgiveness
there is new sight

For, when you forgive someone,
God's truths will shine through
and you'll see all the reasons
why Jesus died for you!

2 Corinthians 2:10
King James Version

"To whom ye forgive any thing,I forgive
also: for if I forgave any thing,to
whom I forgave it, for your sakes
forgave I it in the person of Christ;"

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