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Awake, My Soul, Awake

by Deborah Ann Belka

Awake, my soul, awake
sleep not one day more
awake and see that Christ
is standing at the door.

Awake, my heart, awake
let not sin keep you asleep
arise from your slumber
salvation is yours to reap.

Awake, my mouth, awake
confess all pride and greed
wake up from your conceit
let Christ be all you need.

Awake, my eyes, awake
see that you are but dust
rise up against your blindness
don't be consumed by your lust.

Awake, my ears, awake
hear the Word that gives life
get up and listen to the truth
lest all you have is strife.

Awake, my soul, awake
sleep not one day more
awake and invite Jesus
into your heart's door!

Romans 13:11

"And do this, knowing the time, that now
it is high time to awake out of sleep;
for now our salvation is nearer than
when we first believed."

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