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The Formula

by Gertrude Jefferies

My needs, my wants, my decisions to make,
It all seems to be about me.
But reading God's Word, I began to see
That's not the way that it should be.

This Christian walk, this journey we're making,
Just doesn't revolve around me.
The Word says God first, and then to others,
My actions of love ought to be.

But I get it backwards so many times,
And usually put myself first.
And then the Holy Spirit in love,
Reminds me to read these verses.

First Corinthians and chapter thirteen,
This is my blueprint for living.
And if my life just doesn't measure up,
Then the wrong message I'm giving.

The Word says if we want joy in our lives,
Then this is the way it must be:
Put Jesus first, then take care of others,
Then I can look after me.

So that's the way a Christian must live,
It's not about me after all.
And if I follow the way of the Word,
On my life God's blessing will fall.

This poem was a finalist in the August 2008 poetry contest

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