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by Royston

Sharp iron nails divided flesh from bone
as upon the cross You hung all alone.
"My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
You cried alone in such deep agony.

Your soul was ravaged by bulls of Bashan
for there alone You bore the sins of man.
And crowds stood staring at the gruesome sight
as You suffered alone to put things right.

The sun was darkened and refused to shine
when You died alone for those sins of mine.
Smitten of God and forsaken were You
as alone You paid the price that was due.

Your body was pierced and Your blood was shed
when all alone You hung there in my stead.
"My Lord and my God what love is this?" I cried,
"That for me alone You willingly died."

They took You down from that cross of shame
for You had died alone to bear my blame.
Another man's tomb given as Your grave
where alone they laid You Who came to save.

But to be defeated was not for You
as You fought alone Satan to subdue.
Hell's dark sepulcher could not keep You in
for all alone You'd conquered death and sin.

Triumphantly bursting those gates of Hell
for You alone were able to prevail.
Now You're in heaven seated upon the throne
as all mankind bows down to You alone.

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