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Dry Seasons

by Deborah Ann Belka

Dry seasons . . .
times of spiritual drought
times of sobering doubt

Dry seasons . . .
times that can last a year
times of significant fear

Dry seasons . . .
times of sanctimonious pain
times when there is no gain

Dry seasons . . .
times of weakness not of strength
times we keep God at arm's length

Dry seasons . . .
times of desperation and lack
times we turn on Him our back

Dry seasons . . .
times to reflect from within
times to confess known sin

Dry seasons . . .
times that we learn and grow
times for God's mercy to show

Dry seasons . . .
times to meditate and pray
times to hear what He's to say

Dry seasons . . .
times of spiritual growth
times made for God and you both!

This poem was a finalist in the July 2011 poetry contest

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