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Hitchin' A Ride

by Deborah Ann Belka

It's His way or the highway,
there can be no other road
it's His way or the long way
with sin's burden as your load.

It's the cursed and risky path
that leads to self destruction
it's the safe and secure path
that leads to God's instruction.

It's His way or the wrong way,
the decision is yours to make
it's His way or the mistaken way
you choose the pathway to take.

It's the wide and sinful way,
that leads to death and endless hell
it's the narrow and righteous way
that leads to where Christ dwells.

It's His way or the highway,
there's no hitchin' yourself a ride
it's His freeway to eternal life
but ~ the lane is yours to decide!

Proverbs 16:17

"The highway of the upright is to depart
from evil; He who keeps his way
reserves his soul."

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