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Run To Jesus

by Deborah Ann Belka

When times are troubling,
as they so often are
and from all your problems
you want to get far.

Run to Jesus,
your lofty, high tower
dwell safely with Him
and rest in His power.

When the world's pollution,
has filled up your senses
and you want to get away
from the public consensus.

Run to Jesus,
He will embrace you
and keep you protected
till your spirit is renewed.

When you need protection,
from the wicked and evil
and the poison they spew
is becoming ever more lethal.

Run to Jesus,
your comforter in wait
and He revive you
till the toxin's abate.

When from this crazy life,
you want to leave and retire
when you have had enough
and you've lost your desire.

Run to Jesus,
He will give you His might
and prepare you to go back
to His good faithful, fight!

1 Timothy 6:12

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold
on eternal life, whereunto thou art also
called, and hast professed a good
profession before many witnesses."

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