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Well well

by Albert Watson

He came and asked for a drink of water.
'Sir you ask me a Samaritans daughter,
my spiritual background, tells me not too
have any dealings with you, you're a Jew,.

'If you only knew who you're talking too,
I have some water that is refreshingly new
This water I give is just as a spring,
eternal life to it's drinkers will bring.'

Seeing my ignorance of spiritual things
an embarrassing question this person brings.
'Go find your husband then do bring him back.'
I answered immediately, 'It's a husband I lack.'

Astounded as told of my history with men.
At present a lover, five husbands before then.'
'Incredible discernment I see you have got,
I perceive you're a prophet, I'm right am I not.'

I then spoke more of Samaritan and Jew
and of the Messiah which both peoples knew,
when he would come and what he would say.
'He's standing before you, my friend today.'

Back into town with a burning desire
to tell everyone about Him 'The Messiah'
and what's so amazing, the town all agree.
Jesus the Saviour, used a sinner like me.

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