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My Song Of Trust

by Deborah Ann Belka

There is a song,
rising up in me
it's full of joy
happiness and glee.

It's melody,
is one that I hum
and on my heart stings
I can feel it strum.

My two hands,
can't seem to stay still
they rise and clap
with the gladness I feel.

My arms lift up,
as I feel God's power flow
and in my soul
I can sense His Spirit's glow.

My song is Jesus,
and every day I sing
my praises to Him
for the hope, He brings.

So, rise up with me,
and let all your troubles go
sing my song of trust
and His joy you too will know!

Isaiah 55:12

"For ye shall go out with joy, and be led
forth with peace: the mountains and the
hills shall break forth before you into
singing, and all the trees of the field
shall clap their hands."

This poem was a finalist in the February 2012 poetry contest

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