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Sinners Wanted!

by Deborah Ann Belka

A job posting that is always open . . .

Sinners wanted,
inquire within . . .
looking for those
willing to die to sin.

Experience needed,
in both greed and pride
looking for those
eager to be Jesus' bride.

Willing to overlook,
lying, murder, or stealing
looking for those
who need God's healing.

Knowledge appreciated,
in selfishness and conceit
looking for those
who need a Savior to meet.

Practice with immorality,
is a must
looking for those
who want to overcome lust.

If you are interested,
come right on in . . .
Jesus has been wondering
where you have been!

Matthew 9:13

"But go and learn what this means: 'I
desire mercy and not sacrifice.' For I
did not come to call the righteous, but
sinners,to repentance."

This poem was a finalist in the February 2012 poetry contest

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Click Here to contact Deborah Ann Belka to request permission to use this poem.