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My God Is Before Me

by Deborah Ann Belka

When life makes no sense,
and obstacles are all I see
I am not disappointed
for my God, is before me.

When others have their say,
and we can't seem to agree
I am not discouraged
for my God, is before me.

When sickness takes its hold
and the pain will not flee
I am not dishearten
for my God, is before me.

When my world crashes down,
and troubles are all I foresee
I am not depressed
for my God, is before me.

When sorrow comes my way,
and grief has me on my knee
I am not distraught
for my God, is before me.

When this day is finally over,
and I say my nightly plea
I am not dispirited
for my God, is with me!

Psalm 16:8

I have set the Lord always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.

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