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Bankrupt Lives

by Deborah Ann Belka

Guilt was erased from us that day,
and for our souls, Jesus died and bled
when the thorns of our unrighteousness
were crowned around His perfect head.

Our vile sins are the thrash marks,
that were flogged deep into His chest
the Son of God became our justification,
and paid the price ~ for our eternal rest.

Bankrupt lives, on top of faithful shoulders,
our faults and unbelief He had to bear
the burden of each of our transgressions
on the Cross of Calvary Jesus had to wear.

Our hopelessness was sealed and nailed,
then hung upon that wooden bar
spikes driven into His hands and feet
the Lamb of God became our wayward scar.

The debt of our blame and condemnation
was plunged deep into His forgiving side
piercing through to heaven's gate
so He could receive one day His faithful bride.

Our rebellious, wicked, evil ways,
caught up to Him on that promised day
when at last it was finally over
His mercy became for us, the only way.

Free, unmerited, not deserving favor,
granted by God's grace, and grace alone
His work on the cross finally finished
and now He sits, on His Father's throne.

Oh, that glorious, wonderful day,
when Christ rose from His earthly grave
bankrupt lives, now rich and lush
for His life ~ to all He lovingly gave.

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