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His Eyes Are Everywhere . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
there isn't anything that He can't see
He can peer through the darkest cloud
and see past the depth of the bluest sea.

The eyes of the Lord are always searching,
they are constantly moving back and forth
they are scanning over the entire earth
spinning from the south to the north.

They are turning to the east and the west,
they are perpetually moving to and fro
over the whole universe they are moving
they are searching both high and low.

The eyes of the Lord are forever watching,
they want to see whose heart is upright
they are looking to see if there is anyone
who is pleasing and righteous in His sight.

His eyes are on the souls of everyone,
He is looking for anyone that He can find
who will eternally love and obey Him
with their whole heart and all their mind.

They eyes of the Lord are searching,
He is looking everywhere He can
He is seeking those who still believe
in the Words of the Son of Man.

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere,
there isn't anything that He can't see
He can see through the heart of man
and right now He is looking at you and me!

2 Chronicles 16:9

"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro
throughout the whole earth, to show
Himself strong on behalf of those whose
heart is loyal to Him. "

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