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by Albert Watson

Ti's Autumn feel the chill in air,
Walk dewy grass pick, Conference pear.
Past the greenhouse through the gate,
My morning stroll around estate.

In the distance cows are lowing,
Because of mist half bodies showing.
Look Silver Birch, Horse Chestnut tree,
Changing now their dress I see.

A gentle breeze their leaves caressing,
Helps those trees in their undressing.
That wind will strengthen, strip them bare,
Prepared for snow, their winter wear.

That orb now rising, mellow glow
Highlights berries in hedgerow.
See enormous web's been spun
Dew glowing diamonds in the sun.

Climb over stile walk stubbled field,
It's corn to harvester did yield.
Now we the nation will be fed,
My staple diet, fresh crust bread.

Across the way I see Church tower,
Hurry there within the hour.
The great pipe organ I will play,
It's Harvest Festival at Church today

This poem won first place for the October 2008 poetry contest

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