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Singing in The Rain

by Deborah Ann Belka © 2016

Today, there is a storm
but, I'm still going to sing
no matter how much rain
on my life it may bring.

I will leap and I will jump,
through and in the puddles
for under my Father's wings
I will be securely huddled.

If lightning were to strike,
my Father will protect me
if the thunder came to roar
in His wings shadow I will be.

No matter how hard it pours,
or how sizeable the drops
in the shadow of the Almighty
I will stay until it stops.

Today, on me it's raining,
but, I'm still going to sing
because I know I am safe
under my Father's mighty wings!

Psalm 63:7

"Because thou hast been my help,
therefore in the shadow of thy
wings will I rejoice."

King James Version
Public Domain

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