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Our Own Private Eden

by Deborah Ann Belka

We live in our own private Eden,
where sin slithers on the ground
and climbs its way into the soul
so lust can flourish and abound.

Creeping around the heart's door,
is the pleasure for worldly things
crawling in, is self-centeredness
that this paradise so often brings.

Tempting as it may sound to some,
disobedience runs wildly amok
for in this self-made earthly heaven
one soon gets buried in the muck.

The tree to what is fine and good,
grows tall, lush, and is evergreen
producing fruit of different kinds
so wanton hearts can always glean.

A bite of this, a nip of that,
we all play around and quibble
but it doesn't make a difference
once we take that deadly nibble.

The quest for greed and knowledge
grows untamed in this private garden
we don't see our self-indulgence
until our hearts are cold and harden.

There is another side to this paradise,
that will one day come upon us all
and in this garden no foot shall slip
nor shall one soul take a fall.

So, until such time be aware,
of the private Eden you create
for the slithering one doesn't care
what fruit of his . . . you ate!

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