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The Real Housewife in God's Home

by Deborah Ann Belka

The real housewife in God's home,
isn't like the one in Beverly Hills
for you won't see her strutting about
in a short skirt and her high heels.

She has a heart that is spun of gold,
she's full of wisdom and His grace
she doesn't wear a lot of makeup
to cover her unfaithful, plastic face.

Her husband is pleased with her,
he trusts her to do what's right
she is not quarrelsome or angry
and with him she does not fight.

She manages all of his earthly affairs,
she doesn't have one with her neighbor
she makes her husband proud of her
and in his eyes she holds his favor.

The real housewife in God's house,
doesn't go to fancy, pricey dining places
she plants, reaps, and serves her meals
to her families happy, grateful faces.

She isn't a nosey, busy body,
and gossip to her is a dirty word
instead she shares the Gospel truth
and all of God's goodness she has heard.

She isn't an ambitious career woman,
who leaves her family to fend for itself
she is a strong, dignified, caring woman
who gives God her inner and outer self.

Her husband and children love her,
and respect her kind, generous ways
she's nothing like the wives of Beverly Hills
for, she's given God all her living days!

Proverbs 31:10-31

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