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Freedom's Key

by Deborah Ann Belka

Some people are locked up in prison,
agony and suffering are the bars
that keeps them in a deep depression
and reminds them of their painful scars.

Some people have been abused,
too awful, to even mention
they've locked into their hearts
other's mean and cruel intentions.

Some people have been deeply hurt,
by things other's once have done
so they stay locked up in their minds
and replay the memory of each one.

Some people are thrown into solitude,
by the guilt, others throw their way
shame has locked them in the darkness
where God's light can't shine on their day.

Some people are incarcerated,
by their own choices and their will
and this is where Satan wants them
for their peace, he loves to steal.

If you are one of these people,
who are living in your own private hell
where memories of the past torment
and keep torturing you in your cell.

Then you need Jesus to bail you out,
for His life and His death holds the key
that will unlock the prison you are in
and from the past ~ He'll set you free!

John 8:36

"If the Son therefore shall make you
free, ye shall be free indeed."

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