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Surrender Him

by Gertrude Jefferies

My child, can you not trust me, though the battle's not yet won,
Can you lean upon my breast and yield to me that wayward one?
He's my child too, I love him, and I long to lead him home,
But I cannot until he asks me, then the battle will be won.

You've prayed so hard, and wept so much and worried even more,
Your prayers have been recorded, and there are good things yet in store.
There's a time and a place in the Father's plan, though you don't understand
Yet I ask you to be patient, as you and I walk hand in hand.

Remember the day you knelt and gave that little one to me?
You were so glad, that I had sent him to your family.
And as he grew, you prayed even more to keep him in the way,
But as you watched, it seemed he got farther and farther away.

"My child just keep on praying, don't give up the battle now
As long as he is still alive, I can reach his heart somehow.
Remember my love follows him wherever he may go.
So keep right on believing that one day, your Christ, he'll know.

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