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A Gift To The Whole World

by Gertrude Jefferies

No birthday celebrations with food, and friends and toys,
Just some cattle lowing, welcomed this baby boy.
His parents knew this Baby, a special one would be
Fulfilling all God's promises, sin's Sacrifice was He.

Out on a lonely hillside, where shepherds tended sheep,
A choir of holy angels, their frightened eyes did see.
The sky was filled with splendor, angelic voices raised
Filling the night with praises for the gift of the Heavenly Babe.

Behold! We bring you tidings of peace good will to men,
For unto you a Savior is born in Bethlehem.
He is a Gift from heaven, sent down from God above,
He came to bring salvation, and show the world God's love.

The shepherds came with wonder, and worshipped with great joy
This precious Holy Baby, Mary's brand new little boy.
Now this message has gone out so all the world may hear
God sent a special Present to all people everywhere.

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