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Do You Trust Me?

by Deborah Ann Belka

Do you trust Me,
or are you swayed to lean
unto your own understanding
unto your own ways and mean?

Do you trust Me,
or are you looking to find
a way out of your situation
without having peace of mind?

Do you trust Me,
or are you turning from Me away
are you looking for My answers
or hearing what I have to say?

Do you trust Me,
or are you still clinging on
to your own thoughts and views
instead of being Spirit drawn?

Do you trust Me,
or are you relying on others too
are you giving me your every step
or letting me guide and lead you?

Do you trust Me,
with all your heart and soul?
Then acknowledge who I am
and together we'll reach our goal!

Proverbs 3:4-6

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