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The god Of This Age

by Deborah Ann Belka

Be watchful of the Wicked One,
for he is the Great Deceiver
he is roaming around like a Lion
looking to devour every believer.

He is like the Dragon of old,
still spewing out his poison mire
be careful of this godless Beast
or you'll spend eternity in his fire.

For, he is he King of Babylon,
the King of the bottomless pit
where he's making plenty of room
for the lost and unsaved to fit.

Beware of the Prince of the Air,
the Ruler of the World, the Thief
for he is the grand old Liar
and wants to rob you of your belief.

He is the Evil and Lawless one,
our Adversary, the Father of Lies
and it is his soul's desire
that all shall look into his eyes.

He is the Man of Sin, our Accuser,
the Tempter and your Murderer
he is the Power of Darkness within
he is Satan, the Serpent Lucifer.

Be on the alert for the Anti Christ,
the Angel of Light, the god of this Age
he will transform himself into peace
before he sets off his bloody rage!

Revelation 20:10

"And the devil that deceived them was
cast into the lake of fire and
brimstone, where the beast and the false
prophet are, and shall be tormented day
and night for ever and ever."

This poem was a finalist in the March 2012 poetry contest

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