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My Bible is Like a Computer

by Deborah Ann Belka

My Bible is like a computer,
God is the Father board
where all His personal data
is backed up, saved and stored.

When I boot up the Good Book,
there's a full menu bar to look at
a list of His commands pop up
and with God I can have a chat.

There are plenty of applications,
that I always have access too
I paste them to my clipboard
for future studying and review.

Each verse has it own control key,
that keeps me pressing on . . .
I sort them in my soul's hard drive
and burn them on my heart's CD rom.

Sometimes my memory is short,
and I can't remember a scripture
so I launch my anti-verse program
to debug and clear the fuzzy picture.

When I feel like I'm freezing up,
or when I am feeling fragmented
I search for my favorite passages
to ensure a crash is prevented.

I still have a lot of virtual memory,
to download and file all that I learn
but, I need to make sure my installer
doesn't crash on me and burn.

My uninterruptible power source,
has its own surge suppressor
and I count on the the Holy Bible
to be my anti-Christ protector.

My Bible is like a computer,
it has a powerful control panel
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
is all my database wants to handle!

This poem won second place for the March 2012 poetry contest

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Click Here to contact Deborah Ann Belka to request permission to use this poem.