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by Deborah Ann Belka

There is no fear of God in man,
their eyes to Him are closed
they only see their selfish pride
so their sins won't be exposed.

They flatter with their words,
that are full of vanity and conceit
they sweet-talk to one another
believing in their own deceit.

They speak with evil tongues,
and plan mischief in their head
they seek to harm each other
and God's faithful they wish dead.

They place themselves on a path,
that will lead them straight to hell
but if you were to warn them
they would argue with you and yell.

There is no fear of God,
man's heart is just too wicked
but if they were to turn to Him
from their sins they'd be acquitted.

Psalm 36:1

"An oracle within my heart concerning
the transgression of the wicked: There
is no fear of God before his eyes."

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