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From Knowing to Living

by Deborah Ann Belka

To be made alive in Jesus,
we have to put off the old man
for there's a brand new one for us
that came with salvation's plan.

For God has opened up our minds,
and has softened our stony heart
He sensitized our sinful conscience
and in Jesus offered all a new start.

We're no longer to wander aimlessly,
we are to walk in a different way
we must learn the truths Jesus taught
and perform exactly what they say.

We must learn from head to heart,
the purposes He has for our lives
we need to follow hard after Jesus
if we want our faith to, in-fact, survive.

For God has called us to be holy,
and blameless without sinful quirks
to prove we are His workmanship
created in Christ to do good works.

We need walk the talk in our church,
and when we are out in the world
we need to be obedient to the Word
even when sin is being ~ at us hurled.

If you want to be more like Jesus . . .
then your life must keep on moving
it must become a life dedicated to Christ
and go from just knowing to truly living!

Ephesians 4:20-21

"But ye have not so learned Christ; If
so be that ye have heard him, and have
been taught by him, as the truth is in

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