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The Word

by Albert Watson

He could have stood on a hill looked across the sea,
Turned to the land, pointed to every flower and tree.
Saying I am The Word and The Word made all this.
He'd a different agenda these thoughts He'd dismiss.
That agenda announced as He read from a scroll
Good news to the poor, the blind to be made whole,
Release to the oppressed and the prisoner set free,
To proclaim the Lords favour, to you and to me.

He came to His own, for He was born as a Jew.
Rejected by many, touched the hearts of a few.
Those who received, became the children of God.
Released from their sins, now no fear of the rod.
So the Word though eternal, was by man crucified.
Convicted by Jewry at the hands of Rome died.
But death could not keep Him, for He rose again
Those who believe this, with Him they shall reign.

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