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I'm Not A Monkey!

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, I know I am not an ape,
nor a big hairy monkey . . .
but that is what the scientist
think of how I came to be.

They tell me I was created,
from a biological evolution
that my relatives are primates
from some organic mutation.

They say my distant cousins,
are a tree and a hummingbird
that I'm some sort of alteration
of our cells being transferred.

They think I have phylogenies,
and came from another species
that over time and space . . .
we all developed from monkey's .

They think You are non-existent,
that my roots didn't come from You
instead I've evolved when . . .
a cell transmutation went through.

Now, I find all this hard to believe,
and will not fall for their cell theory
for I know who my Creator is
and to You, I will give all the glory.

So Lord ~ if You ever see me,
down on my hands and knees
it's only because I'm worshiping
and giving my praise to thee!

Genesis 1:27

"So God created man in his own image, in
the image of God created he him; male
and female created he them."

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