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Road Signs

by Deborah Ann Belka

There are many road signs,
that we all must obey . . .
they direct and guide us
how to go the correct way.

They warn us of the speed,
on every twist and bend
some alert us what's ahead
is only a dead-end.

Some tell us we must yield,
before we enter into traffic
or we might find ourselves
suffering something tragic.

Others tell us when to go,
some when we're to merge
some say to slow down . . .
others when to converge.

At every intersection,
we're told where to stop
or else we should be ready
to be pulled over by a cop.

There are many road signs,
that we all must obey . . .
and so it is with the Bible
but, it only leads . . . one way!

Psalm 119:20

“My soul breaketh . . .
for the longing that it hath
unto thy judgments at all times.”

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