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Thirsty Souls

by Deborah Ann Belka

The soul thirsts,
after rivers deep
pant like gasps,
from inside seep.

Murmurs heard,
from parched lips
needing more,
more ~ than tiny sips.

Living waters,
living hells
flowing streams
dried up old wells.

The arid soul,
is keen and eager
for its full share
not what is meager.

Spring of hope,
scorched creek bed
the thirsty soul needs
the Fountainhead.

Bitter waters,
God will soon heal
water of life flows
from Calvary Hill.

The soul thirsts
after rivers deep
but only God . . .
makes them seep!

Exodus 17:3

"And the people thirsted there for water;
and the people murmured against Moses,
and said, Wherefore is this that thou
hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill
us and our children and our cattle with

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